When is Christmas 2025?

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Learn more about Christmas

Christmas is a Christian holiday celebrated annually on December 25th in most parts of the world, marking the birth of Jesus Christ. The word "Christmas" is derived from the old English term "Cristes maesse," which means "Christ's mass". Often combined with customs from pre-Christian winter celebrations, festivity involves numerous activities such as attending church services, spending time with family and friends, exchanging gifts, decorating Christmas trees, and waiting for Santa Claus. It's also recognized as a public holiday in many countries, even those where Christians are in the minority. Furthermore, Christmas has grown beyond religion and is now celebrated by many non-Christians as a secular cultural event characterized by gift-giving and family gatherings. The spirit of Christmas is typically associated with joy, goodwill, and a sense of togetherness.

Fun Fact

Did you know Christmas wasn't always celebrated on December 25th? While many believe that Christmas is celebrated on December 25th to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, the actual date of Jesus's birth remains a mystery. In fact, the date was chosen in the fourth century, as it closely aligns with the pagan festival celebrating the winter solstice. Additionally, Christmas trees, a popular tradition in today's time, only became commonplace in the United States in the 19th century; they originated from Germany and were popularized by Queen Victoria's husband, Prince Albert. Even the jolly old Santa Claus we know today has his origins in the 1820s and was popularized by Coca-Cola advertisements in the 1930s! Thus, our beloved Christmas has indeed an interesting history filled with fun and lesser-known facts.

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